Click here for an executive summary of Igor Pro® 9 features that are new relative to Igor Pro 8.

For full details of the new features in Igor Pro 9 click here.

Some Reasons to Upgrade to Igor Pro 9

Igor Pro 9 contains hundreds of improvements, including built-in support for HDF5, 24 new functions and 34 new operations.

Some highlights of Igor Pro 9 improvements include:

  • Autosave has been added with user options to control for the frequency and granularity of saving.
  • New built-in HDF5 support: Igor experiments can now be saved as HDF5 files, and you can open and browse multiple HDF5 files and convert the data into Igor native formats.
  • Igor supports sparse matrices through the new MatrixSparse operation. It uses the Intel Math Kernel Library Sparse BLAS routines and employs the libraries terminology and conventions. A sparse matrix in Igor is represented by a set of three 1D waves which define the non-zero elements of the matrix. Igor supports three sparse matrix representation formats: COO, CSC, and CSR. Sparse matrix operations include matrix addition, multiplication, and TRSV which solves a system of linear equations.
  • The ability to drag waves from the Data Browser onto a graph to make new traces has been enhanced. New active areas allow you to append traces to specific axes and to make new free axes, as well as select a wave as an X wave.
  • Agglomerative hierarchical cluster analysis has been added in the HCluster operation.
  • Complex curve fitting has been implemented.
  • The ability to drag waves from the Data Browser onto a graph to make new traces has been enhanced. New active areas allow you to append traces to specific axes and to make new free axes, as well as select a wave as an X wave. Also, it is now possible to drag waves onto graphs and tables from the Waves in Window list of the Window Browser.
  • Major update of the MultiPeak Fit package. The functions that were previously provided by the PeakFunctions2 XOP are now built-in.
  • For those times when a user-defined panel is just a bit too small to read easily or a bit too big to fit your laptop's screen, you can make that panel bigger or smaller using Igor 9's new Panel→Expansion submenu.
  • Box Plots and Violin Plots now support per-dataset properties.
  • Box Plots and Violin Plots now allow you to control the color, marker and marker size of each individual data point.
  • Igor's PDF export now supports transparency and improved font embedding.
  • Improved editing of Polygons and Beziers.
  • The new Presentation Table Procedures package allows you to programmatically create a "presentation table" in a graph, layout or control panel window.
  • Auto-completion now includes user procedures.
  • Faster procedure compile time.
  • Improved text processing performance.
  • Added automatic multithreading in CWT, ImageRegistration, Interp3DPath, norm and ImageFilter.
  • Added functions vectorization and optimized memory allocation in MatrixOP.

More Reasons to Upgrade to Igor Pro 9

If you are using an Igor version earlier than Igor 8, you should take a look at even more Reasons to Upgrade Igor Pro to see what else you've been missing!




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